Quanopt built up partnership with SOLE-MIZO Zrt. The partners contracted for R&D works.
Quanopt built up partnership with SOLE-MIZO Zrt. The partners contracted for R&D works. |
Quanopt experts started a new model-based integration project at Blackbelt. |
The MoDeS3 project became the third prize winner on IoT Challenge 2016. |
An article written by Quanopt founders and employees will be presented at ICA CON 2016, the 4th International IBM Cloud Academy Conference (June 2-3, 2016, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada). In their paper ("Cloud Application Performance Analysis with IBM Watson Analytics"), they show how Watson can be integrated into a cloud application performance analysis workflow. |
Quanopt experts contributed in preparation works of certification of PROLAN’s new product. Their work involved among other things error impact analysis, RAMS (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, Safety) analysis, etc. |
Quanopt is one of the main sponsors of MoDeS3 (Model-based Demonstrator for Smart and Safe Systems) project. |
Our founders, Prof. András Pataricza, László Gönczy and Imre Kocsis are lead authors of two chapters in the forthcoming book "Trustworthy Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering" from Taylor & Francis. |
Quanopt founder, Imre Kocsis held a successful presentation on Shiny on "Open Analytics Day" at BI Forum 2015 (October 14, 2015). The presentation materials "Shiny as a platform for collaborative data exploration" can be reahced on github., |
Quanopt founder, Imre Kocsis held a presentation on "The Mixture Index of Fit and Quick Shiny" R meetup (Budapest Users of R Network), on March 25, 2015. Presentation "Tales from the Trenches: Applying Shiny Quick and Dirty" can be seen on youtube. |
A paper written by Quanopt employees will be presented at the SERENE workshop which will be organized in October in Budapest in the topic of software engineering for resilient systems. |
Quanopt Ltd is a Hungarian spin-off company founded by researchers. Quanopt offers services and software for system modeling, data analysis and optimization.
Company seat: 1118 Budapest, Nagyszalonta u. 40. 1/4
Office:1113 Budapest, Bocskai út 77-79. B340 map
EU VAT Number: HU24125918
Hungarian VAT Number: 24125918-2-43
Registration number: Cg. 01-09-991660 (Court: Fővárosi Bíróság)
Quanopt Ltd
Bocskai út 77-79 B340 Budapest, Hungary H-1113
+36 1-6130104